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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:26 pm


A Friendly Competition

So if you've just clicked this thread wondering what Graphic Offs are, let me explain. GOs are mini graphic contests where the prize is the satisfaction of winning (unless the host wants to give a prize). PLEASE READ THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE PARTICIPATING!

Someone becomes a 'host' and posts on this thread using this form:

Subject; {icon, blend, banner, signature, typography, freestyle, etc}:
Size; {icon must be 100x100, signature must be 450x150, free size, etc}:
picture; {the actual uploaded image is preferred, but you may link from a safe and trusted site}:
start date/end date; {even if all the entries aren't in, unless you want to extend it}:

FP members can take a look at a host's form, and decide if they want to enter. If they do, they quote the post and say so. (2-10 members are allowed in a graphic off. No more than 10 are allowed due to the fact that a poll can only have up to 10 choices) If not, they can move on to the next, or start their own. There should be a max of about 3 GO's at once. Please check to make sure there aren't already 3 before starting one. Hosts can participate in their own competition as long as the graphic is not previously made.

This new form will help to make sure entrants can find everything easily. It seems hosts like to spread all of those out. (picture on one post, subject 5 posts later, etc)

Instead of the finished entries being posted on this thread, they should be PMed to the host. Once again, DO NOT POST YOUR ENTRY ON THIS THREAD! Hosts--please keep track of who is PMing you.

Entries should be PMed with the image code placed using the 'code' icon in the textbox toolbar. The icon looks like a white sheet of paper with two blue arrows. That way, the host doesn't have to re-upload the image.

When all entries have been submitted to the host, he/she posts a poll. The poll can be posted before the deadline if all of the entries are submitted, or it can be posted at the deadline even if all of the entries aren't submitted. It can also be posted after the deadline if the deadline was extended. Just make sure there are at least two entries. The polls are to be posted in the 'Polls Section' subsection under the Open Chat section. The host posts the entries on the poll anonymously. NO NAMES are to be used. Only numbers. This keeps the voting fair, so people don't go 'OH ___, I like her/him, so I'll vote for her/him' Also, contestants cannot vote for themselves!

In the end, the winner is the person with the most votes. The prize is the satisfaction of winning, which is to say, amazing.

The whole GO process is so much fun. If you've never done one, do one now.

**I did not create the graphic off idea. Several other people have started them on forums, but I am just bringing the idea to FP.

Have fun GOing! (:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by zoë Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:30 pm

oo i cant wait to participiate
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:36 pm

Yeah! (: I'll probably host one soon, or anyone else can host one too if they'd like. (:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by zoë Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:43 pm

oo yay
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Hazza Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:09 pm

Exciting, I'll try to participate in one when someone posts one.
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:10 pm

That's great! Thanks Sammy. c:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by zoë Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:14 pm

I might host one eventually but not the first few ones
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:16 pm

Haha that's fine Zoe. c: Feel free to host one whenever you'd like! (:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by zoë Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:33 pm

alright c:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by mirandaisnotonfire Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:40 pm

Oh yes this will be fun!
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:44 pm

Thanks Miranda! I think so too(:

Does anyone want to host a quick one? I'm in the mood for making something right now c:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Guest Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:02 pm

Count me in!


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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:51 am

Pony- There aren't any GOs open at the moment, but you can start one by hosting or wait until one is open. (:
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:01 pm

Alright, I guess no GOs are on at the moment.

Subject; {icon, blend, banner, signature, typography, freestyle, etc}: Signature, please.
Size; {icon must be 100x100, signature must be 450x150, free size, etc}: 450x150.
picture; {the actual uploaded image is preferred, but you may link from a safe and trusted site}: You may find any horse pictures useable and safe. Razz
start date/end date; {even if all the entries aren't in, unless you want to extend it}: 3/13/15 until 3/22/15.

Sorry about the pictures, I rather have the entries vary from different pictures they would like to use. Smile

Thanks, Savy, for this honor of being the first to host.


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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Fri Mar 13, 2015 6:23 pm

Pony2418 wrote:Alright, I guess no GOs are on at the moment.

Subject; {icon, blend, banner, signature, typography, freestyle, etc}: Signature, please.
Size; {icon must be 100x100, signature must be 450x150, free size, etc}: 450x150.
picture; {the actual uploaded image is preferred, but you may link from a safe and trusted site}: You may find any horse pictures useable and safe. Razz
start date/end date; {even if all the entries aren't in, unless you want to extend it}: 3/13/15 until 3/22/15.

Sorry about the pictures, I rather have the entries vary from different pictures they would like to use. Smile

Thanks, Savy, for this honor of being the first to host.

Ooh thanks for hosting! I'll enter. (:
And you are very welcome; thank you!
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Hazza Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:26 pm

This is awesome. I may enter also if I find the time to do so and not get distracted.
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Guest Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:58 pm

Thanks! If you need, I can always extend the deadline if you need more time.


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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:59 pm

You're so sweet! I'll let you know if I need it to be extended, but I'll try my best to get it in on time.
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Hazza Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:18 pm

I can probably do it by the deadline, if not, I'll let you know.
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:00 pm

I haven't received any yet, do you need more time? Do you want me to extend the deadline. I would gladly. Smile


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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:01 pm

OMG I'm so sorry! Yes, if you could please extend the deadline that would be great!

I have spring break all of this week so I can definitely do mine this week.
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:03 pm

Oh, that's fine. xD
It is now extend to April 5. Probably, that would give enough time.


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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:06 pm

Great, thanks Pony! That works perfectly.
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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:10 pm

No problem, Savy!
I forgot to mention, the prize: I will be using the graphic for my signature and will be credit to you. (:

Good luck!


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G R A P H I C  O F F S ; A Friendly Competition Empty Re: G R A P H I C O F F S ; A Friendly Competition

Post by Savanah Sat Mar 28, 2015 9:14 pm

Aw it's so sweet of you to offer a prize! <33 It's not required, but that's thoughtful of you. (:
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