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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Hazza Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:01 pm



My Characters:

Name: Harry Styles
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Crush: None
BF/GF: None
Personality: Sweet, understanding, flirty, perverted.
Other: Nope
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Tumblr_ny4381exf61rgxudyo1_r1_250
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Tumblr_ny1e10vD5F1s4dvm3o1_250

Name: Liam Payne
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Crush: None
BF/GF: None
Personality: Nice, smart, lovable.
Other: Nope
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Tumblr_nun1u3snTZ1r4lt5eo1_250
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Tumblr_nold0lzGmU1qambhho5_250

Name: Anna Heathers
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Crush: Niall or Louis
BF/GF: None
Personality: Shy at first, but then she opens up to you when she knows you well.
Other: Nope
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) 7350641
Founder Hazza
Founder Hazza

Posts : 14364
Join date : 2013-02-13
Age : 26
Location : In bed with Harry
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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Ash Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:17 pm

Name: Niall Horan
Age: 22
Gender: male
Crush: none
BF/GF: none
Personality: childish, dirty and cute.
Other: --
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Tumblr_nrvu59o9QC1u4hs1go4_1280

Name: Louis tomlinson
Age: 23
Gender: male
Crush: none
BF/GF: none
Personality: sassy.
Other: --
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Tumblr_njibtszZMT1t7eg8go2_500

Age: Ariana grande
Gender: female
Crush: none
BF/GF: none
Personality: flirty and talkitive.
Other: --
Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Ariana-grande
Graphic Artist Ash
Graphic Artist Ash

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Join date : 2014-10-16
Age : 25
Location : honeymoon avenue
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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Hazza Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:36 pm

Harry was backstage waiting to perform for the show. He brought a banana over and ate it a few hours ago. Now, he was just hanging out with his bandmates along with the few guests that got to come backstage.

Liam practiced singing one of his songs away from everyone else, but he watched Harry because watching him was always entertainment for him. 

Anna was happy that she got to stay backstage with the One Direction boys along with Ariana Grande. She has been friends with them since she met One Directon on the X Factor. One of her relatives works at the X Factor so she got to meet One Direction and now they are all pretty close.
Founder Hazza
Founder Hazza

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Join date : 2013-02-13
Age : 26
Location : In bed with Harry
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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Ash Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:34 pm

Niall waited backstage with the rest of the band before going out on stage right when the lights went out. "Let's go lads." He said to his bandmates.

Louis ran out by the stage and slowly came out with the rest of the band. It was completely dark so no fans could even see them yet.

Ariana talked backstage with One Direction until it was time for them to go on stage. Ariana wished the boys good luck before they went out on the stage.
Graphic Artist Ash
Graphic Artist Ash

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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Hazza Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:38 pm

Harry knew it was time to go on stage and he followed his bandmates onto the stage. The feeling of going to the stage makes his heart skip and makes him so excited. It was always a good feeling to see his fans.

Liam finished practicing and he followed his bandmates to the stage. He was excited to sing and see his fans.

Anna was so excited to see One Direction perform and told them before leaving to the stage that they'll do great and make a lot of people smile.
Founder Hazza
Founder Hazza

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Age : 26
Location : In bed with Harry
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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Ash Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:58 pm

Niall went out by the stage while the intro was playing and waited for it to be done before walking out.

Louis followed Niall out on stage and stood next to him before the lights came on them and started playing Clouds.

Ariana stood at the side of the stage and watched the boys come out.
Graphic Artist Ash
Graphic Artist Ash

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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Hazza Fri Nov 27, 2015 7:02 pm

Harry followed the boys on stage and waited for the intro so he could walk on stage. Once he is on stage, Clouds starts playing and the fans starts screaming. He smiled as he moved around on stage.

Liam walked onto the stage and he waited until the intro ended to walk farther onto the stage. Clouds started to play and soon after fans started to scream.

Anna was standing with Ariana on the side and once she saw the boys on stage she smiled and screamed.
Founder Hazza
Founder Hazza

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Age : 26
Location : In bed with Harry
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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Ash Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:19 pm

Niall smiled when the song ended and listened to all the screams before continuing with the next song.

Louis tried to read a few signs quick before they started their next song.

Ariana clapped and smiled when Clouds was over and waited for them to keep going.
Graphic Artist Ash
Graphic Artist Ash

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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Hazza Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:25 pm

Harry smiled when the song was over and he listened to all of the screams. He started to sing midnight memories. 

Liam looked at the boys when the song ended and he smiled because he was so happy looking at the fans.

Anna was so happy and proud of them. They started so good on stage and plus, they looked hot as well.
Founder Hazza
Founder Hazza

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Age : 26
Location : In bed with Harry
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Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash) Empty Re: Narry Roleplay (Private with Ash)

Post by Hazza Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:34 pm

Founder Hazza
Founder Hazza

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Age : 26
Location : In bed with Harry
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